Proudly Serving Customers Nationwide for 23 Years!

Current Lawson Ind buildingIn 2007, the company moved to its current 40,000 square-foot facility. Each year Lawson Industries has grown its inventory and customer base. Lawson Industries has over 10,000 parts available and serves customers in 39 states. Lawson Industries offers same-day shipping and has a ‘whatever it takes’ attitude. Customers can expect their products delivered to their door within 48 hours.

Their trademark slogan, “Best Prices, Best Parts, Best Service,” is demonstrated in the way Lawson Industries does business. Lawson Industries now partners with factories in Taiwan, China, South Korea, India, Mexico, Canada and the United States. These partnerships reduce costs and, in turn, reduce prices to their customers. Lawson Industries only sells the quality parts promised by the Lawson name.

“Our parents taught us that it’s not only our name out there - it’s theirs too."

Lawson Industries strives for excellence, and has departments strictly dedicated to customer service, marketing, sales, shipping, purchasing and accounting.

“Our success is built around our customers’ success,” states Michael Lawson. “We will continue to be a successful company as long as we take care of our customers, and keep the best interest of their business in mind.”